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Apellido, Nombre. Título del Libro. Lugar de publicación: Editorial, Fecha.
Hallowell, Edward M. The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong Joy. New York: Ballantine Books, 2002.
Apellido, Nombre. “Título del Artículo: Subtítulo del Artículo.” Nombre de la Publicación Seriada Volumen, Número del ejemplar. Fecha: número de las páginas.
Anderson, Jon Lee. “War Wounds: Bombs Fall and the Lights Go Out.” The New Yorker 79, no.8, April 14, 2003: 46-52.
Tanner, Lindsey. “Childhood Obesity Studied.” Boston Globe April 9, 2003: A4.
De una base de datos de la biblioteca:
Apellido, Nombre. “Título del Artículo: Subtítulo del Artículo.” Nombre de la Publicación Seriada Volumen, Número del ejemplar. Fecha: número de las páginas. Permalink o DOI
Niemi, Richard G., and Jonathan D. Klingler. "The Development of Political Attitudes and Behaviour Among Young Adults." Australian Journal Of Political Science 47, no. 1 (March 2012): 31-54. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2011.643167
Fuentes de la web:
Autor (o Auspiciador en caso de que el nombre no sea provisto). “Título de la Página Web.” Título del Portal. Fecha. URL.
Dolce, Chris. "The Storm That Killed 300,000." The Weather Channel. 25 Apr 2014. http://www.weather.com/news/weather-hurricanes/deadliest-cyclone-history-bangladesh-20130605
Apellido, Nombre. Título de la obra. Año de publicación; Ciudad: Estudio/Distribuidor, año de publicación de medio de distribución. Medio.
Eggers, Robert, dir. The Witch. 2015. New York, NY: A24, 2015, on Amazon Prime. https://www.amazon.com/Witch-Anya-Taylor-Joy/dp/B01BT3K19G
Video de la web (YouTube):
Apellido, Nombre. "Título de la obra." Contribuidores adicionales. Casa publicadora. Fecha de publicación. IIndicación de formato/Medio, Tiempo de duración URL.
Ortega, Alejandra. “Grammar: Active and Passive Voice.” Purdue OWL. February 1, 2019. Video, 4:22. http://youtu.be/GEP-8lFTKKg.
Si el video sólo tiene como autor un nombre de usuario, utiliza el mismo en el espacio donde colocarías el nombre del autor:
Ghost Rich. "Ron Simmons Saying Damn." October 22, 2013. YouTube video, 0:07. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTSVfYM2Pdk
Although Socrates is often quoted, he never wrote anything. We know him only because Plato wrote about him.1 What would Socrates think if he were to appear in the United States today? As an ancient wise man, Socrates would applaud contemporary studies claiming “if a child can become comfortably connected to the act of learning and the world of information and ideas, then her chances of pleasure and success in life rise dramatically.” 2 As much as he believed in learning, Socrates believed in community service. How would he respond if he heard that America's youngest adults are less likely than any before them to actually vote? 3 Socrates would certainly agree that “war always brings tragedy, fear, pain, and psychological trauma.” 4 He would also agree with an Iraqi doctor treating victims of war who said, “I feel that problems can be solved by discussion and negotiation and collaboration. When you use military power, it means your brain has stopped.” 5
1 Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed., s.v. “Socrates.”
2 Edward M. Hallowell, The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong Joy (New York: Ballantine Books, 2002), 75.
3 “Generation Y’s First Vote,” Newsweek, July 7, 2000, http://web2.infotrac.galegroup.com.
4 Jon Lee Anderson, “War Wounds: Bombs Fall and the Lights Go Out,” The New Yorker 79, no.8, April 14, 2003, 46.
5 Anderson, “War Wounds,” 46.
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