How to Take a Test/Quiz
- Select the title of the test/quiz you wish to take. On the page that opens, read the instructions carefully for information about whether the the test/quiz is timed and how long you will have to complete it if so, whether or not you can save and resume the test/quiz at a later time, and when the test/quiz is due.
Image courtesy of Blackboard Help
- You may now begin the test/quiz. The "Test Information" box at the top of the screen will provide a description of the test/quiz, instructions for completing it, whether or not the test is timed and what will happen when the time expires, whether or not multiple attempts are permitted, and whether or not you can save your answers and resume the test/quiz at a later time.
- If the test is timed, a timer status will also appear towards the top of the screen to keep you updated on the time remaining.
- You may also see a "Question Completion Status" section displaying a saved icon for each question you have answered. You can select a question number to jump to that question in the test/quiz.
Image courtesy of Blackboard Help
- Answers are auto-saved, but you may also select "Save Answer" next to each question. When you save an answer, "Saved" appears beside a green checkmark in the question's row.
- When you are ready to submit your test/quiz for grading, select "Save and Submit" at the bottom of the page.