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Academic Technology

Guide to help NECC students access and navigate within Blackboard and Office 365


Different instructors may place tests/quizzes in different areas of the course module.

Tests and quizzes may be located in the "Tests and Surveys" link in the course module.

A screenshot of the Blackboard course menu, with an orange rectangle around the "Tests and Surveys" link

Image courtesy of Blackboard Help

How to Take a Test/Quiz

  • Select the title of the test/quiz you wish to take. On the page that opens, read the instructions carefully for information about whether the the test/quiz is timed and how long you will have to complete it if so, whether or not you can save and resume the test/quiz at a later time, and when the test/quiz is due. 

A screenshot of the "Begin" page for a sample test on Blackboard

Image courtesy of Blackboard Help


  • You may now begin the test/quiz. The "Test Information" box at the top of the screen will provide a description of the test/quiz, instructions for completing it, whether or not the test is timed and what will happen when the time expires, whether or not multiple attempts are permitted, and whether or not you can save your answers and resume the test/quiz at a later time.
    • If the test is timed, a timer status will also appear towards the top of the screen to keep you updated on the time remaining.
    • You may also see a "Question Completion Status" section displaying a saved icon for each question you have answered. You can select a question number to jump to that question in the test/quiz. 

A screenshot of the "Take Test" page on Blackboard, with pink rectangles around  "Test Information" "Question Completion Status," and timer

Image courtesy of Blackboard Help

  • Answers are auto-saved, but you may also select "Save Answer" next to each question. When you save an answer, "Saved" appears beside a green checkmark in the question's row. 
  • When you are ready to submit your test/quiz for grading, select "Save and Submit" at the bottom of the page. 
  • If your instructor has allowed multiple attempts for a test/quiz, you will be able to take it more than once if desired. You can see how many attempts the instructor has allowed when you first open a test/quiz, under the "Test/Information" section next to "Multiple Attempts." You can also see which attempt you are currently starting. 
  • To start a new attempt, click on the test/quiz title and select "Start New Submission." Note that your instructor decides which test attempt is recorded for your grade. 

A screenshot of the "Test Information" section and the "Test previously taken" page on Blackboard

Image courtesy of Blackboard Help

  • Multiple-choice, matching and fill-in-the-blank questions may be auto-graded, meaning your instructor has already defined the correct answers and assigned scores to each question, so Blackboard can automatically validate your answers and give you scores for these questions as soon as you have completed the test/quiz. If all questions on a test/quiz are auto-graded, you can see your score immediately after submitting the test/quiz. 
  • Short answer and essay questions will need to be graded by the instructor, so you will not see your scores immediately. Once your instructor has graded these answers, you can access feedback and grade information by selecting the test/quiz in "My Grades" (see "Grades" page). On the "View Attempts" page, select the grade link in the "Calculated Grade" column to access the test, your answers, and any feedback from your instructor. 

A screenshot of the "View Attempts" screen in Blackboard

Image courtesy of Blackboard Help

Before you start a test or quiz:

  • Make sure you have a reliable internet/WiFi connection.
    • If you are on-campus using a laptop, be sure to use NECC wireless; DO NOT use NECC-Visitor wireless.
    • If you are off-campus, be sure your internet connection is stable and reliable.
  • Check your computer settings and browser for Blackboard compatibility
  • Allow pop-ups in your browser
  • Most tests and quizzes are not mobile-friendly, so do not take a test or quiz using a mobile device, Chromebook, or iPad. Use a Blackboard-compatible computer and browser.
  • If you are going to start a timed test or a test that expires at a particular time, be aware of that limit and plan accordingly. Do not wait until the last minute to start a test or quiz.

During the test or quiz:

  • Do not multi-task.
    • Close all other programs or browsers on your computer before beginning a test or quiz
    • If possible, complete the test or quiz in one sitting.
  • Do not minimize, maximize or resize your browser window, or open another browser window during the test or quiz.You may get locked out.
  • Do not refresh or reload your browser during a quiz or test. 
  • Do not use the Enter key to select "Submit". Use only your mouse or track pad.
  • Do not use the browser navigation links or icons at the top of your browser such as back or forward. Use the Blackboard test navigation only.
  • Do not double-click on any Blackboard buttons or links during a quiz (i.e. "Forward," "Backward," "Next," "First question," "Last question," "Save," or "Submit") Click buttons only once and wait. 
  • Use the window scroll bar (on the right hand side of the window) to scroll through the questions, not the scroll wheel on a mouse.
  • Periodically select "Save" to ensure your answers are savedAllow any "AutoSave" or "Saving" process to complete before clicking "Save and Submit" or any other button.

As you finish up:

  • Before clicking  "Save and Submit"  to finish a test or quiz,  check the question completion status indicator at the top of the page to make sure all questions were saved.
  • Remember to click the "Submit" button when you are finished with an quiz or test. 
  • Allow the Submit process to completely finish before closing your browser, moving to another page, or clicking any other button.

After the test or quiz:

Video Tutorial -- Test Overview

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