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ART 104: Prehistory to Renaissance

Recommended resources for students researching art history.

The Information Literacy Core Academic Skill at NECC

Information literacy is a set of skills and dispositions for finding and evaluating information, evaluating it for relevance, quality, and bias, and using it legally and ethically.

Information Literacy: Students will learn to identify their information needs, locate, evaluate, and appropriately integrate information to accomplish a specific purpose. Students will demonstrate the ability to use current technology and other research resources to find and effectively communicate information. This guide will help you find and cite appropriate sources for academic research in Art History.

This course will demonstrate that you have the above skills and can use information ethically, cite your sources, and avoid plagiarism, fulfilling your requirements for an information literacy-intensive course at NECC.

Useful Websites for Art Research

When searching for art images online, it is best to determine which institution or museum holds or owns the piece you are interested in and then visit their site. Relying on a Google search for an image can sometimes result in poor resolution, misattribution of the work, or other incorrect information.

For instance, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts owns the image at right, Jacobo del Casentino's Saint Lucy. Click on the link for a high-resolution photo and more details about the work.

Searching the holding institution ensures you are seeing the correct image. Institutions usually provide high-resolution images and information such as the date of the work, provenance, more information about the artist, and other essential details.

Remember, images need citation, too, and using images from museums or galleries makes citing works of art more accessible.

Jacobo del Casentino's Saint Lucy

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