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ART 104: Prehistory to Renaissance

Recommended resources for students researching art history.

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Food--don't waste itImages follow a different citation style than other kinds of text-based works (like books and articles). Common citation elements include: 

  • Artist or creator’s name or username
  • Title of the work
  • Date of creation
  • Medium of the work
  • Institution and city for a work of art
  • Website or database name
  • Date of access (for MLA, when the source does not specify when a work was produced or published)

Provide both a citation and an attribution for your images. Here are some sample citations and attributions for the image found on this page. Attributions should be placed under your image.

  • APA style citation
    • Cooper, F. G. (1917). Food--don't waste it [Lithograph]. Library of Congress, Washington, DC, United States.
  • APA style attribution:
    • Note. From Food--don't waste it [Lithograph], F. G. Cooper, 1917, Library of Congress (
  • MLA style citation:
    • Cooper, Frederic G. Food--Don't Waste It. 1917. Library of Congress, 
  • MLA style attribution:
    • Fig. 1. Frederic G. Cooper, Food--Don't Waste It, 1917.

Basic Format

Artist or username. Title of Artwork. Date the image was created. Database/Website, URL.

Image from JSTOR

Chagall, Marc. The Yellow Room. 1911. JSTOR,

Image from Museum Website

Chagall, Marc. Village Street. 1930s. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,

Image from Image-Sharing Website

Dowsett, A. Helicobacter Pylori Bacterium. 2018. Pixels,

Image from Image-Sharing Website with Username

NASA Johnson. ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti Collects Microbe Samples. 2022. Flickr,

Basic Format

Artist or username. (Date). Title of artwork: Subtitle [Medium]. Database/WebsiteURL

Image from JSTOR

Chagall, M. (1911). The yellow room [Painting]. Private collection, Switzerland. JSTOR.

Image from Museum Website

Chagall, M. (1930s). Village street [Painting]. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Image from Image-Sharing Website

Dowsett, A. (2018, September 16). Helicobacter pylori bacterium [Photograph]. Pixels.

Image from Image-Sharing Website with Username

NASA Johnson. (2022, September 13). ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti collects microbe samples [Photograph]. Flickr.

To cite this LibGuide use the following templates:

APA: Northern Essex Community College Library. (Date updated). Title of page. Title of LibGuide. URL

MLA: Northern Essex Community College Library. "Title of Page." Title of LibGuide, Date updated, URL.