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NECC Open Educational Resources (OER)

A guide for faculty and students about Open Education Resources (OER).

What is an Open License?

This Guide to Open Licensing will give you even more information.

Open licenses give you the power of the 5 Rs, as defined by Dr. David Wiley on his site :

1. Retain the content
2. Redistribute the content
3. Reuse the content
4. Revise the content
5. Remix the content

The most widely recognized open license is a Creative Commons license.

What are the types of Creative Commons licenses?
  • The preferred Creative Commons license is CC BY, which represents a Creative Commons Attribution license. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. It is the most accommodating license offered. 

  • Visit Creative Commons website for more information on the other types of licenses and how you may use them. 

Fair Use

              Magnifying glass over a clipboard

Fair Use is an exemption that allows for limited use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes.


                              infographic of creative commons licenses

* Infographic from Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphotoProfessor25.


Learning Modules

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