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Open Educational Resources (OER) at NECC

A guide for faculty and students about Open Education Resources (OER).

How do I get started?

How do I get started? 

  1. Create a Free Account with OER Commons 
  2. Request to join your institution's group page
  3. Select "add OER" in the top right corner 
  4. Begin creating open content! 

Find Open Course Materials

OER Commons is the platform where the Open Massachusetts Repository is located. OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Open texts and course materials from various Institutions across the country can be found there.  

Start with a keyword search of the Open Massachusetts Repository for relevant resources. Options to filter by subject area, material type, educational use, language, education standards, and several other parameters. Collections are organized by discipline and by individual institutions by which they were created. Material types range from individual images, syllabi, and open textbooks to complete courses of material.  

You can also browse resources by discipline collection, curated OER Commons collections, and by institution.  

OER Commons is the platform where the Open Massachusetts Repository is located. OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Open texts and course materials from various Institutions across the country can be found there.  

Create & Share OER

If you have OER materials that you use for your courses, Open Massachusetts is the ideal space for them! The Open Massachusetts Repository can serve as a great place to host your materials – it’s an easy way to share them in your blackboard and canvas courses, as well as with the broader OER Commons Community of educators.  

Remix existing OER

Create custom course content with existing Open textbooks in OER Commons. Once you have selected an resource to remix (please ensure the CC license allows for remixed content), select the green "remix" button and begin making edits/updates/changes.  A new record for your remixed item will be created upon saving. The new record can be "published" at any point throughout this process.  

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