The NECC Libraries use an Integrated Library System called Koha. Koha is managed by our network, Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts (HELM). Currently, HELM consists of 14 academic libraries.
Sign in with your NECC Microsoft account ( or to access library databases off-campus. See the Office 365 Help page for help with your NECC Microsoft account.
The NECC Library homepage contains a single search box for you to enter search terms for books & movies, articles, or facts. Select the "Books & Movies" tab to search the library catalog.
From this screen you have the option to choose the type of search that you would like to use:
Click on the "Advanced Search" link located underneath the main search bar if you would like to enter more information. You can filter by format, language, library, publication year, and even choose how you would like to sort your results list.
You can search for a specific ISBN by selecting the ISBN option on the homepage search screen, or by selecting the ISBN option on the Advanced Search screen. Enter the 10 or 13 digit ISBN and click "go" or "search."
Holds may be placed on items from the catalog and can be filled by any of the HELM libraries which have the available item for loan. Keep in mind that some items may not be available, such as new DVDs & music, or other recently acquired items, including high volume fiction, reference, and archival material. Contact the library for more information.
Once you place a hold, the system will let you know if it was successful, or if the item is unavailable.
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OverDrive is our digital lending library. It allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, music, and video to your devices.
Download the updated app, Libby, and you can easily access these items from almost anywhere
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