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Using the Library

A guide to NECC Library's catalog with information about library cards, loan periods, fines, and requests.

How do I Log in to My Account?

Access your library account by clicking the log in to your account button link in the top right corner of the catalog, or using the log in box from the catalog home page. You will need to enter your 14-digit library barcode number and your password (your 8-digit birthday MMDDYYYY) to view your library account.

Library catalog home page

Once you are logged into your library account you will be able to see any items that you have checked out, any holds that you have placed, and any fines that you may have accrued.

If you are in the "checked out" section of your account there is an option at the bottom to "Download as iCal/.ics file" so that you can even place a reminder directly into your Outlook calendar.

Additionally, you are able to renew most items from this screen. If you are not able to renew an item, please contact the library before the item is due.


library patron summary page detailing items out, items on hold, and fines accrued


Off-Campus Database Access

Sign in with your NECC Microsoft account ( or to access library databases off-campus.  See the Office 365 Help page for help with your NECC Microsoft account.

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APA: Northern Essex Community College Library. (Date updated). Title of page. Title of LibGuide. URL

MLA: Northern Essex Community College Library. "Title of Page." Title of LibGuide, Date updated, URL.