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How to Use NoodleTools

A guide to using NoodleTools citation generator.

Creating a New Citation

 Once you have created a project, you are ready to begin entering your sources.

  1. Look at the top of the screen and click on Sources.  
  2. Click on Create new citation.
  3. Where is it? This screen allows for you choose the location of the source. Did you find a digital copy in a library database or is it something you have it physically in front of you in print? Click on the option that best describes your source.
  4. What is it?  This describes the format of the resource. Is it a book, journal article, website, etc.? Click on the option that best describes your source.
  5. Now you are ready to begin entering your source information. 

Entering Sources

Once you complete the steps above, you should be looking at a form with a lot of empty fields, which is where you will enter your source information. Any field you see with a red asterisk (*) is a required field. Fill out as much as you know about the source.  Remember, you do not need to fill out all of the fields if you can't find that information on your source.

Use the chart below to see what types of information are most oftenbut not always, included on the three most popular source formats.

Book Journal Article Website
Name of author Name of author Name of author
Title of book Title of article Title of page
City of publication Title of journal or magazine Title of website
Publisher Volume number Publisher or sponsor
Year of publication Issue number Date created
  Date of publication Date accessed
  Page numbers URL
  Name of database  
  Date accessed  


In-text Citations


You can use NoodleTools for help with your in-text citations. When you are on the list of your cited sources, click on the three vertical dots on the right side of the screen and select the In-text citation option. This will give you examples and tips to create your own in-text citations.In-text citation link

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To cite this LibGuide use the following templates:

APA: Northern Essex Community College Library. (Date updated). Title of page. Title of LibGuide. URL

MLA: Northern Essex Community College Library. "Title of Page." Title of LibGuide, Date updated, URL.