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How to Include Library Resources in Blackboard

A guide for linking to and embedding library resources into Blackboard courses

Linking to Articles, eBooks, and Images

You can incorporate specific eBooks, articles, and images directly in your Blackboard course by selecting Build Content | Web Link. After naming the web link, enter the permalink for the item as the URL. Click on Submit.

Permalinks are unique, static web addresses for eBooks, articles, images, and videos found in the library's databases. Permalinks are used to "authenticate" NECC students, faculty, and staff as authorized users of the library's licensed content. The authentication process itself uses a student's Microsoft 365 credentials. Use the guides below to learn how to locate permalinks in the library's databases.

Select Copy Link in the top right corner of the page to get the permalink.

CREDO permalinks

Select the Share button from the set of tools on the right side of the page. On the next screen, select Create link, then Copy to clipboard.



Select Get Link in the top right corner of the page to get the permalink.

Gale permalinks

There are two options for permalinks to JSTOR articles. The easier option is to copy everything in your browser's address bar that comes before ?searchText. The second option is to copy the stable URL that appears below the article information, then add NECC's proxy prefix to this stable URL. For example,

JSTOR permalinks

There are two options for permalinks to JSTOR Images. The easier option is to copy everything in your browser's address bar that comes before ?searchText. The second option is to copy the stable URL that appears below the article information, then add NECC's proxy prefix to this stable URL. For example,

JSTOR Images permalinks

The permalink for Project Muse articles is located in the browser's address bar.

Project Muse permalinks

The permalink for ProQuest database articles is located in the browser's address bar. Alternatively, you can click on Details on the left side of the page, then copy the Document URL provided.

ProQuest permalinks

Select Share Link to Book on the left side of the page to get the permalink.

ProQuest Ebook Central permalinks

To cite this LibGuide use the following templates:

APA: Northern Essex Community College Library. (Date updated). Title of page. Title of LibGuide. URL

MLA: Northern Essex Community College Library. "Title of Page." Title of LibGuide, Date updated, URL.