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Library Database Off-Campus Authentication Switch to Microsoft Sign-In

Over spring break, the library will be changing how the NECC community accesses databases off-campus. Students, faculty, and staff will now use the familiar Microsoft single-sign on that is already used for email and other services at the college. You will no longer need or be able to use your library barcode and password to sign in off-campus. Going forward, your library barcode and password will only be needed to sign into your library catalog account to request or renew physical library materials.

Here is some detailed information about the change:

How do I access the library databases off campus?

Sign in with your NECC Microsoft account ( or to access library databases off-campus.  See the Office 365 Help page for help with your NECC Microsoft account.

Are any links changing?

No library links in Blackboard or anywhere else are changing. This only changes the way you authenticate to use them.

How can I get a library card number or barcode?

Library barcodes allow you to sign into your library catalog account and renew or request library materials. 

Your library card number is automatically generated based on your NECC ID number and printed on the front of your NECC ID card, which can be obtained at either campus Welcome Express Desk for students or at the IT Help Desk on either campus for faculty/staff. Your card number is activated when you register for classes or start employment, regardless of whether or not you have a physical card.

Your library card number: 203850 + Your 8-digit NECC ID. (For instance, if your NECC ID number is 00112233, your library card number is 20385000112233).

When you are accessing library resources from off-campus, you will also be asked for a password, which is set to your 8-digit birthdate. (For instance, if your birthday is April 15, 1996, your password is 04151996.)

If this doesn't work, try resetting your password using the My Library Account link or calling either campus library.

Questions? Concerns?


Phone: 978-556-3401 or 978-738-7400


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