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Scholarly Journals vs. Popular Sources

Outlines the differences between articles published in scholarly journals, popular magazines, and trade journals.

Academic Journals

Journal of Professional Nursing    American Journal of Nursing

What they're called:

  • Academic journals
  • Scholarly journals
  • Peer-reviewed journals
  • Refereed publications

Types of articles:

  • Research articles
  • Clinical case studies
  • Empirical (experimental) studies
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Literature reviews
  • Experimental articles

Magazines & Popular Sources

Time magazine    People magazine    Discover magazine

  Publications covering:

  • Business
  • Hobbies
  • News
  • People
  • Popular culture (music, movies etc.)
  • Sports
  • Psychology
  • Popular Science

Trade Publications

 The Police Chief     Advertising Age 

Written by and for professionals and practitioners
in a field regarding trends, technology, and information
about the day-to-day specifics of their jobs (for instance,
marketers writing about the advertising industry).

Usually considered more popular than scholarly since
they do not publish original research in the field.

Academic Journals, Magazines, and Trade Journals


Academic Journals


Trade Journals

Purpose To publish research and scholarship To inform and entertain To inform and support
Audience Researchers, scientists, scholars, professors, graduate and undergraduate students General readers Members of a profession
Authors Scholars & researchers with credentials, and institutional affiliations listed. Journalists & writers. Often unattributed. Journalists, practitioners in the field.
Editors Board of scholars working in the specific discipline or field covered by the journal Employees of the magazine Employees of the publication
Review process Peer-review: Articles are reviewed by scholars in the field with extensive knowledge of the subject matter. Editor, and perhaps a fact-checker; employees of the magazine Reviewed by publication employees
Frequency Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually Weekly or monthly Weekly or monthly
Appearance Plain, often B&W. Lots of text, often with charts & graphs. Very few advertisements. Glossy, with lots of pictures and advertisements. Glossy or newspaper-like. Pictures and advertising.
Language Specialized language of the academic discipline. Everyday language Technical jargon of the field
Length of articles Usually long Usually short or very brief Varies
Format of articles Structured: abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion No formal structure Usually no formal structure
Documentation Often extensive bibliography of works cited, or footnotes/references. Informal mention of sources in the text Sometimes includes bibliographies/references

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