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How to Google More Effectively

Domain names, site searches, & country internet codes are just a few of the things we cover to help improve your searches.

Why Should I Use Country Internet Codes?

Country codes can be especially useful when you are searching for information about or from a specific country. For example, if you were to want information on early childhood education programs run by the Australian government you could do this search:

Google search: "early childhood education" statistics

The above search would give you better results than if you were to simply type " 'early childhood education' statistics Australia" into the box. This is because of the "" at the beginning of the string, it is telling Google that you specifically want to search government websites from Australia (

Another thing to think about when searching different countries is your terminology. Just because something is commonly known as one name here in the United States does not mean that it is so worldwide. 

  • Example: Iranian Hostage Crisis
    • In Iran, this event is known as the Conquest of the American Spy Den. Doing a site search using each phrase will return rather different results. 
  • Tip: If you're unsure about a term or event try searching for it on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great place to get background information, it should NEVER be used as a final source. 

No one expects you to remember all of the country internet codes. Click on the tabs & links below to browse them here. If there is a specific country that you are looking for click on the correct tab below, then do a controlled search of this page (Ctrl+F on a PC; Cmd+F on a Mac) for that country.  

Country Internet Codes A-Z

Entity Internet Code Entity Internet Code
Afghanistan .af Cayman Islands .ky
Akrotiri - Central African Republic .cf
Albania .al Chad .td
Algeria .dz Chile .cl
American Samoa .as China .cn
Andorra .ad Christmas Island .cx
Angola .ao Clipperton Island -
Anguilla .ai Cocos (Keeling) Islands .cc
Antarctica .aq Colombia .co
Antigua and Barbuda .ag Comoros .km
Argentina .ar Congo, Democratic Republic of the .cd
Armenia .am Congo, Republic of the .cg
Aruba .aw Cook Islands .ck
Ashmore and Cartier Islands - Coral Sea Islands -
Australia .au Costa Rica .cr
Austria .at Cote d'Ivoire .ci
Azerbaijan .az Croatia .hr
Bahamas, The .bs Cuba .cu
Bahrain .bh Curacao .cw
Baker Island - Cyprus .cy
Bangladesh .bd Czechia .cz
Barbados .bb Denmark .dk
Bassas da India - Dhekelia -
Belarus .by Djibouti .dj
Belgium .be Dominica .dm
Belize .bz Dominican Republic .do
Benin .bj Ecuador .ec
Bermuda .bm Egypt .eg
Bhutan .bt El Salvador .sv
Bolivia .bo Equatorial Guinea .gq
Bosnia and Herzegovina .ba Eritrea .er
Botswana .bw Estonia .ee
Bouvet Island .bv Eswatini .sz
Brazil .br Ethiopia .et
British Indian Ocean Territory .io Europa Island -
British Virgin Islands .vg Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) .fk
Brunei .bn Faroe Islands .fo
Bulgaria .bg Fiji .fj
Burkina Faso .bf Finland .fi
Burma .mm France .fr
Burundi .bi France, Metropolitan .fx
Cabo Verde .cv French Guiana .gf
Cambodia .kh French Polynesia .pf
Cameroon .cm French Southern and Antarctic Lands .tf
Canada .ca    

Entity Internet Code Entity Internet Code
Gabon .ga Laos .la
Gambia, The .gm Latvia .lv
Gaza Strip .ps Lebanon .lb
Georgia .ge Lesotho .ls
Germany .de Liberia .lr
Ghana .gh Libya .ly
Gibraltar .gi Liechtenstein .li
Glorioso Islands - Lithuania .lt
Greece .gr Luxembourg .lu
Greenland .gl Macau .mo
Grenada .gd Madagascar .mg
Guadeloupe .gp Malawi .mw
Guam .gu Malaysia .my
Guatemala .gt Maldives .mv
Guernsey .gg Mali .ml
Guinea .gn Malta .mt
Guinea-Bissau .gw Marshall Islands .mh
Guyana .gy Martinique .mq
Haiti .ht Mauritania .mr
Heard Island and McDonald Islands .hm Mauritius .mu
Holy See (Vatican City) .va Mayotte .yt
Honduras .hn Mexico .mx
Hong Kong .hk Micronesia, Federated States of .fm
Howland Island - Midway Islands -
Hungary .hu Moldova .md
Iceland .is Monaco .mc
India .in Mongolia .mn
Indonesia .id Montenegro .me
Iran .ir Montserrat .ms
Iraq .iq Morocco .ma
Ireland .ie Mozambique .mz
Isle of Man .im Myanmar -
Israel .il Namibia .na
Italy .it Nauru .nr
Jamaica .jm Navassa Island -
Jan Mayen - Nepal .np
Japan .jp Netherlands .nl
Jarvis Island - Netherlands Antilles .an
Jersey .je New Caledonia .nc
Johnston Atoll - New Zealand .nz
Jordan .jo Nicaragua .ni
Juan de Nova Island - Niger .ne
Kazakhstan .kz Nigeria .ng
Kenya .ke Niue .nu
Kingman Reef - Norfolk Island .nf
Kiribati .ki North Macedonia .mk
Korea, North .kp Northern Mariana Islands .mp
Korea, South .kr Norway .no
Kosovo -    
Kuwait .kw    

Entity Internet Code Entity Internet Code
Oman .om Sudan .sd
Pakistan .pk Suriname .sr
Palau .pw Svalbard .sj
Palmyra Atoll - Sweden .se
Panama .pa Switzerland .ch
Papua New Guinea .pg Syria .sy
Paracel Islands - Taiwan .tw
Paraguay .py Tajikistan .tj
Peru .pe Tanzania .tz
Philippines .ph Thailand .th
Pitcairn Islands .pn Timor-Leste .tl
Poland .pl Togo .tg
Portugal .pt Tokelau .tk
Puerto Rico .pr Tonga .to
Qatar .qa Trinidad and Tobago .tt
Reunion .re Tromelin Island -
Romania .ro Tunisia .tn
Russia .ru Turkey .tr
Rwanda .rw Turkmenistan .tm
Saint Barthelemy .bl Turks and Caicos Islands .tc
Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha .sh Tuvalu .tv
Saint Kitts and Nevis .kn Uganda .ug
Saint Lucia .lc Ukraine .ua
Saint Martin .mf United Arab Emirates .ae
Saint Pierre and Miquelon .pm United Kingdom .uk
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .vc United States .us
Samoa .ws United States Minor Outlying Islands .um
San Marino .sm Uruguay .uy
Sao Tome and Principe .st Uzbekistan .uz
Saudi Arabia .sa Vanuatu .vu
Senegal .sn Venezuela .ve
Serbia .rs Vietnam .vn
Seychelles .sc Virgin Islands .vi
Sierra Leone .sl Virgin Islands (UK) .vg
Singapore .sg Virgin Islands (US) .vi
Sint Maarten .sx Wake Island -
Slovakia .sk Wallis and Futuna .wf
Slovenia .si West Bank .ps
Solomon Islands .sb Western Sahara .eh
Somalia .so Western Samoa .ws
South Africa .za World -
South Georgia and the Islands .gs Yemen .ye
South Sudan - Zaire -
Spain .es Zambia .zm
Spratly Islands - Zimbabwe .zw
Sri Lanka .lk    



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