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Core Academic Skills Faculty Pack: Information Literacy

A suite of resources for faculty teaching Information Literacy Intensive Courses.

NECC's Core Academic Skills

NECC’s Core Academic Skills grew out of the college’s Vision Statement, and reflect those skills which faculty and staff determined are essential to ensure students’ adequate preparation for further academic pursuits and careers.

Students seeking an Associate’s Degree in any field at NECC must complete at least one course that has been designated as “intensive” in each of the six Core Academic Skills.

  • Global Awareness
  • Information Literacy
  • Public Presentation
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Science and Technology
  • Written Communication

This toolkit is designed to help full-time and adjunct faculty who are assigned to teach an Information Literacy Intensive Course understand the skill itself, and to provide guidance and suggestions for incorporating information literacy content into their course that will be both disciplinarily relevant and meet the educational goals of this learning outcome.

Intensive Courses Initiative

For each core skill, the college identified criteria which would define an “intensive” course in that skill, and implemented a process for programs and/or departments to identify and/or develop courses to be designated as such.

For any course designated as “intensive,” ALL sections of that course are required to meet the criteria of the intensive designation.

More information on Core Academic Skills (CAS) and the "Intensive Designation":

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