Most open search boxes (like the one on Google and the library's search box on our homepage) search by keyword.
This means the search engine or database is trying to match what you type in, anywhere that it appears on the page or record.
The search engine is only matching what you type in: R-O-M-A-N. It cannot assign meaning to the term, so it brings back everything that has those letters in that order.
Library resources, on the other hand, are organized by subject heading. This works like the hashtag # in twitter (X), except more powerful.
When you click on a subject, you can be sure you are seeing EVERYTHING that has been "tagged" with that same subject. This gets you to relevant resources faster than a keyword search.
How do I know what the subject term for my idea is?
Since subject terms are created to organize, and not the way we naturally speak and think, finding the relevant subject term can be hard.
A good strategy is to start with a keyword search, and find a source that is generally on your topic in those results. Once you click on the title for that source, you will find the related subject terms in the record.
You can also Ask a Librarian! We work with subject terms all the time and understand how they are organized, so we can show you where to find them and how to use them.
Natural language | Defined "controlled vocabulary" |
Familiar | Not always intuitive |
Searches everywhere in a record or on a page | Searches specific subject terms only |
Flexible | Defined |
Often yields irrelevant results | Subheadings can help to focus results |
May not find all relevant results | Results are usually directly related to the topic |
Keyword search when:
Subject search when:
Always remember databases can't think. Whether you're searching Google or a library database, it doesn't know that when you type "girls" you might mean teenage girls, or Hispanic girls, the TV show "Girls," or that you actually want information about all females, regardless of age.
Always look at your search results and ask yourself:
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